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Ribs binary provides 2 specialized data types for working with binary data:

  • ByteVector: Indexed collection of bytes built on top of Uint8List
  • BitVector: Indexed collection of bits built on top of ByteVector

The major difference between the 2 is what you're indexing into, bytes or bits.

Creating Bit/Byte Vectors
// Creating ByteVectors
final bytesA = ByteVector.empty();
final bytesB = ByteVector.fromList([0, 12, 32]);
final bytesC = ByteVector.low(10); // 10 bytes with all bits set to 0
final bytesD = ByteVector.high(10); // 10 bytes with all bits set to 1
final bytesE = ByteVector(Uint8List(10));

// Creating BitVectors
final bitsA = BitVector.empty();
final bitsB = BitVector.fromByteVector(bytesA);
final bitsC = BitVector.low(8); // 10 bits all set to 0
final bitsD = BitVector.high(8); // 10 bits all set to 1

Ribs also provides a rich API for manipulating these types:

BitVector API Sample
final bits =
BitVector.bits([true, false, true, true, false, false, true, true]);

print(bits.toBin()); // 10110011
print('0x${bits.toHex()}'); // 0xb3

bits.concat(bits); // combine 2 BitVectors
bits.drop(6); // drop the first 6 bits
bits.get(7); // get 7th bit
bits.clear(3); // set bit at index 3 to 0
bits.set(3); // set bit at index 3 to 1