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Creating JSON

It's also easy to create a typed JSON structure using Ribs using the Json class:

JSON Object
final anObject = Json.obj([
('key1', Json.True),
('key2', Json.str('some string...')),

By passing a list of (String, Json) elements to the Json.obj function, we now have a fully typed Json object that we can interact with using the Ribs json API.


In many cases, you probably won't need to use the Json API itself. It's far more common to define your domain models, and create encoders and decoders for those. But it's still worthwhile knowing the Json type is what makes the higher level APIs work.

What about serializing the JSON? That's also an easy task:

Serialzing Json to String
final jsonString = anObject.printWith(Printer.noSpaces);
// {"key1":true,"key2":"some string...","key3":[123,3.14]}

final prettyJsonString = anObject.printWith(Printer.spaces2);
// {
// "key1" : true,
// "key2" : "some string...",
// "key3" : [
// 123,
// 3.14
// ]
// }